Startup Progression Engine
Get And Automatically Use Validated Data To
Progress From Idea To Launch & Early Traction
A structured approach means you can stop wondering how, when, why, and what, you need to do. Focus on moving the right needles at the right time, to make a product that is needed by the market.
Build To Meet The Demands Of Early Adopters Who Want A Breakthrough Competitive Advantage
Increase value and usability from the validated data you acquire, by having it automatically used in related processes. Cut down on the confusion in the creation of collateral you need for traction.
Automatic Generation Of Marketing, Sales & Product Related Collateral That Promotes Focused Traction
Stop procastinating, looking out of the window, wasting time because you don't know what to do. Stop collecting unnecessary information, nor drown in a deluge of data. Obtain the required information, at the required level of granularity, at every step.
The elements of your idea must be defined so you can systematically isolate and assess the various assumptions within them.
Dig into the problem and get solid hypotheses. There may be enough information online to invalidate a problem, this isn’t 2009.
Assess the market and find out if conditions are suitable to enable the entry, sustainability, and growth of a new solution, or not.
Your general market isn’t ready for you, nor are you ready for them. Learn from, and build for, the ones who’ll give you a chance.
Track those you reach out to and interact with, and monitor how you progress with them. Store the messages you use and note the efficacy of each message
Obtain the necessary information in both quantitative and qualitative methods. Easily code the qualitative information so underlying themes visibly stand out.
Assess the interview results and qualitative themes in an easy to digest manner. Gain a greater sense of credibility in regards to if the problem is validated or not.
Generate ideal client profiles, and customer persona’s based on the strongest signals from the interviews. You’ll know who to target and build for.
From your initial idea onward, you’ll be requested to submit information into the system. The information will be key contextual and granular data points, to promote a better understanding of the problem, the early adopters, and the market.
The info you submit is collated and processed in various ways. The resultant data will highlight: strong signals, degree of internal consistency, and underlying themes, so you make decisions with greater confidence and legitimacy.
By consolidating validated results in one place, you'll get a helpeing hand. Startizer can automatically generate some of your marketing and sales material. Or you can use your own hand to create nonsenical landing pages, websites, and whatever else.
Focus on your early adopters, and build with them. Involve them in the process, and learn what you need to place in your funnel. Start from the bottom-up, and not top-down. And stop with the attempts at automation and efficiency when you can't even sell in person.
One of the most robust startup systems I have ever come across. Ace has truly put his heart and soul into this project over the last 6 years. If you’re getting ready or beginning a startup – you need to check this out. It’s a turnkey end to end system, that covers what to do the moment you have a startup idea. There is a lot of fluff-filled, inspirational content that doesn’t cover how to do things. This does.
If you’re looking for a checklist or quick startup tips, you’re in the wrong place. Startizer is an end to end system that helps you identify the nuances of your idea, identify the best market segments, and get your first customers. I used it to gain clarity into our market and define everything from messaging to feature prioritization. After using it, you’ll never go back to the “standard” startup advice.